Thursday 15 March 2012

Leg Training

Too many people tend to neglect legs. My opinion is that training legs is the most essential part of training for several reasons.
Legs are the biggest muscles in the body, therefore after an intense workout, the body works the hardest to repair and rebuild the muscle, which in turn increases metabolism. I notice that when I train legs, I am hungrier, and can consume more food through the day.

Training legs boost growth hormone secretion, making the rest of the body grow, even at rest! It’s a win/win. Also, legs can be the hardest muscle to develop, and a great set of legs can set you apart on stage, if competitive training is what you strive for. Leg training is also great for everyday function, and plays a role in balance, agility and overall strength.

Leg training can be pretty intense. In order to target each aspect of legs properly, its beneficial to split leg training into a 2 day a week split. Hamstrings and glutes (posterior), vs quads and calves (anterior).

As a general guideline, pushing the weight through the heel targets the hamstrings and glutes, whereas pushing from the center of the foot, toe, or sides of the foot, (think pushing on the edges of your shoes) targets the quads. Shift the weight through different parts of the foot and feel how each muscle is activated. This goes for posing too!

I love to push heavy weights with my legs! But going too heavy all the time will not provide defined legs. Heavy squats and leg press etc will add size, but not definition! You can notice, powerlifters are big, but not ripped! Lighter weights using proper form will be your weapon to achieving ripped up legs! “Lighter” weights should be light enough in order for the movement to be executed using proper form, for 12-15 (or even 20!) reps. That means “ass to the grass” while squatting! However, it should also be heavy enough to feel the burn, and reach failure on that last rep! Reaching failure is where the reps really count, and muscles grow!

Before leg training an arginine and beta alanine based pre workout agent really works to promote nutrient rich blood flow and remove lactic acid build up during your training session. Nutrabolics Swollen always gets me through my intense leg days!

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